

This sound file is intended as an energetic cleaning. It promotes the restoration of the connection with your true self. Without energetic disturbances such as astral implants, programming, beliefs and other negative energies and manipulations. When you feel that others have ‘hooked in’ on your animal and that the other is limiting him in his freedom. For example, in a therapist-client relationship where a client has hooked himself “in” to the therapist, in this case the therapy animal. The same goes for owners, caretakers, housemates and herd mates who project too much onto the animal. It is also meant for letting go of energies from past lives or, for example, deceased people who cannot let go.


Your astral body is a subtle body with a negligible physical weight. This body can also carry ballast that it is allowed to let go of. This file can help the energy in your body flow freely.


It promotes the awakening of a higher, cosmic consciousness. To be cosmically aware means to believe that the entire universe is interconnected and unified.


This sound file can be combined well with sound files such as Grounding & Relaxation, Align your past, Trauma emotional – PTSD, Alignment, Expansion or Protection.


Note: This sound file is also suitable for helping to energetically clean and balance spaces and your environment. In that case it can be combined with one of the files Geopathy, Protection or Grounding & Relaxation.

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