Base Frequencies

with the Harmonic Hertz tone generator

New Feature!

In addition to the 3 sound files you can play via the soundfiles library, you can now generate a base frequency in Hertz. This functionality is exclusive for Professionals. You can add this frequency as an additional choice to the compiled combination. Or you can choose to play just the base frequency. The range of our system currently goes up to 697 Hertz.

How do you set this up?

Enter the frequency in the input field. Then click the ‘paperclip’ button to load the frequency. Then click the ‘play’ button to play the frequency.

Choice Guide

As a practitioner, if you have the ability to test the base frequency with the Connection sensor/ biosensor/Lecher antenna we recommend doing so, to attune to the specific needs of the person at that time. Below are some suggestions.

Note: For those professionals working with Lecher antenna frequencies, the Lecher antenna value is not equal to the sound frequency in Hertz. So please do not make the “mistake” of entering Lecher antenna values in the input field.

3.92 Hz - improving sleep

This frequency falls within the Delta region of brain waves. Can help improve sleep quality and can aid to get into deep sleep.

Frequencies in the delta range (1 to 4 Hz) are associated with deep sleep and relaxation. Frequencies in the theta (4 to 8 Hz) range are associated with REM sleep, reduced anxiety, relaxation, as well as meditative and creative states.

7.83 Hz - Schumann resonance - heartbeat of the earth

The best-known Schumann Resonance of 7.83 Hz is also called the heartbeat of the earth. It is said that the Schumann frequency of 7.83 Hz has a possible influence on the physical and emotional well-being of humans, animals and plants and ensures a harmonious bond between all living beings and the earth. Moreover, the main frequency of the Schumann Resonance falls within the area of alpha brain waves. These alpha brain waves are possibly related to relaxation and creativity. When living beings are attuned to the Schumann Resonance, we are basically in harmony with Mother Earth. Frequencies 14.3 and 20.8 also belong to the Schumann frequencies.

174 Hz - Reduce pain and provide a sense of security

The lowest frequency from the Solfeggio scale gives us a kind of feeling of sedation. It is a natural way to reduce pain. Because of the reduction in pain and the low frequency, the organs receive a feeling of hiddenness, safety and love. This encourages them to try harder and possibly thereby contribute to recovery.

285 Hz - Healing and restoring

This Solfeggio frequency works mainly healing and restoring for the body. It promotes the healing and regeneration of tissues and organs in the body. It can also stimulate the immune system. These physical properties make 285 Hz an ideal frequency for rejuvenating the body, soul and mind. It can also help release feelings of guilt and jealousy. It purifies from emotions that burden you and make you feel tired. 285 Hz can help you reach a higher level of consciousness and feel refreshed and like new.

324 Hz - can provide relief from muscle pain and fatigue.

396 Hz - Liberation from Fear and Guilt

This Solfeggio frequency helps release fear and guilt. It gives the power to transform sadness into joy. As a result you feel yourself whole again, content with who you are. It is said to purify guilt and clear hidden blockages, negative beliefs and feelings. Also helps to release limiting thought patterns. Physically, this frequency works on healing of the bones and marrow.

417 Hz - Facilitates Change and helps to erase negative experiences

This Solfeggio frequency produces energy to promote change and to address challenges. It cleanses traumatic experiences and removes negative influences from past events. It puts you in touch with an inexhaustible source of energy with which to make changes. Physically, 417 hertz helps restore organs and the middle part of the body. Organs, stomach and digestive system become harmoniously aligned. At the cellular level, it encourages the cells optimally.

432Hz - Also known as the frequency of the universe

The 432Hz frequency is particularly soothing. 432Hz is the natural frequency of the universe, in contrast to 440Hz used in contemporary music.

528 Hz - The love frequency, represents transformation, miracles and the repair and healing of DNA patterns

This Solfeggio frequency is also called the love frequency. Listening to this vibration raises your own vibration and makes you feel happy. Research shows that it even stimulates the production of feel-good hormones. Several studies have shown that the frequency 528 Hz contributes positively to DNA repair. This frequency is also frequently found in meditations. Indeed, DNA repair produces beneficial effects such as increased life energy, clear mind, awareness, awakened or awakened creativity and forms of ecstasy, such as inner peace and dance. It is a good frequency to activate imagination, intention and intuition and also to work on your life purpose.

639 Hz - Connections and Relationships

This Solfeggio frequency promotes harmony and balance in relationships. It helps improve communication, understanding, tolerance and love. It creates a greater sense of love to improve relationships. Used for relationship problems – problems in the family, between partners, friends or social problems. On the physical level, this frequency is important for the upper part of the body, such as our chest, arms, shoulders, lungs and ribs.

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