The sound file Trauma emotional, PTSD contains the balancing frequencies that can help to process psychological trauma and to be relaxed and resilient in life again. It is very suitable to support the treatment of large or small, conscious or unconscious wounds in your soul or emotional traumas and injuries.
An emotional trauma is a psychological injury as a result of a shocking event. For the treatment of physical trauma/injury, we would like to refer to the sound file Trauma physical.
A trauma is an unprocessed negative event from the past, such as an accident, painful and/or sudden loss experiences, serious illnesses, chronic illness. natural disasters, emotional or physical abandonment, emotional, physical or sexual abuse, war, violence or being expelled, etc. A trauma can feel like an invisible wound in your soul. You can’t see it from the outside, but you can feel it. The event continues to haunt you, as it were, and cause unpleasant feelings. Simply put, trauma is an overload on the brain. The overload arises as a result of a violent experience that the brain has not (yet) been able to process. Your brain remains in a constant state of hypervigilance.
 It is probably underestimated how much trauma animals suffer. Few animals are able to spend their entire life in one place, with one owner and with the same companions. Every move and every change of owner is a small (or bigger) trauma for an animal. But also, being separated from the mother, even if this is done with great care, is still a traumatic event. This sound file is very suitable to support the treatment of these large or small, conscious or unconscious wounds in your soul or emotional traumas and injuries.
This sound file can be combined well with sound files such as Align your past, New Timeline, Magdalena, Grounding & Relaxation, Alignment, Protection, Stress and Inner balance. In the case of depressive complaints, this sound file can be combined with the Depression sound file.