

This sound file contains the balancing frequencies related to tinnitus.

Almost everyone sometimes suffers from ‘ringing in the ears’, for example after a party with loud music. Tinnitus is present continuously in some people. With tinnitus you hear one or more sounds that do not come from your environment, but that originate in the head or in the ears. PET scans have been used to map the brain activity of tinnitus patients and have shown that tinnitus sounds originate in the brain and not in the ear itself.

Tinnitus is also known as ‘ringing in the ears’. It can consist of one or more sounds, sometimes it sounds softer, sometimes louder, it can also disappear for a while, but in other cases it is constantly present. The sound may be a whistling, buzzing, hissing, humming, or other sound. It can also have the rhythm of your heartbeat or be a combination of high and low tones.

The most common cause of tinnitus is damage to your hearing. This is usually caused by (long-term) exposure to loud noises, which damage the cilia in the hearing organ (cochlea). If cilia are damaged, the nerve cells pass on no or bad information to the brain, with the result that the brain is put under too much pressure and starts producing sound sensations itself.

Other abnormalities in the hearing organ, the brain or the jaw joint can also be a cause of tinnitus: such as otosclerosis (calcification of the stirrup), damage to the ear or eardrum, concussion, closure of the ear canal by, for example, earwax or water, teeth grinding or teeth clenching, ear infection, inflammation of the brain or meninges, a brain tumor or hearing loss due to old age. Tinnitus can also be a symptom of another condition such as MS or Ménière’s disease. Certain medications, high blood pressure or mental pressure and stress can also be a cause.

People with tinnitus can suffer a lot from the permanent presence of sounds in their heads. This can range from mild irritation to complete disruption of a normal life. Complaints can be concentration problems, sleeping problems, fatigue, being irritable more easily, tension in the neck, jaws and upper back, feelings of despair, frustration, anxiety and depression.

For most forms no medical treatment is yet possible. Sometimes a masking hearing aid provides relief. Lowering physical and mental stress stored in the body can also help. Often a period of prolonged (severe) stress preceded the onset of tinnitus.

This sound file can be combined well with, for example, the sound files Vagus Nervous – Microbiome, Regeneration, Ears & Hearing, Stress, Grounding & Relaxation, Alignment, Triple heater, Kidneys, Nervous system – Neurological, Trauma physical, Trauma emotional – PTSD, Immune system boost, Depression or Concussion.

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