This sound file contains the balancing frequencies that affect the entire neurological system and all its parts; the brain, spinal cord, nerves, associated functions, emotions, chakras, meridians, possible disorders and symptoms.
Neurological disorders are diseases of the nervous system (brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves) and muscles. Known. But other disorders of the nervous system such as ataxia, hanetred, balance disorders, Wobbler’s disease, vestibular syndrome, meningitis, and vertigo are also included. Neurological complaints can also be caused by other diseases such as Lyme disease, Rhinopneumonia, herpes virus (EHV1), botulism or other intoxications.
In addition to physical complaints, many patients also experience psychological complaints as a result of their condition, this also applies to animals. They can suffer from irritation, anger, sadness, frustration, impotence, hypersensitivity to stimuli or depression.
Many neurological disorders are irreversible and/or progressive. However, sound therapy can offer support to reduce the complaints, both physical and mental-emotional.
This sound file can be combined well with the sound file Regeneration. You can also think of the combination with the file that relates to the cause of the neurological complaints (for example Lyme, Trauma physical) or the location of the complaints (for example Spine or Forefoot).