This sound file contains the balancing frequencies that can help to achieve total inner balance. It stimulates cooperation and intelligent communication between the brain in your head (brain) and the brain in your stomach (microbiome). In our view, the composition and diversity of the microbiome is directly related to physical as well as mental-emotional and spiritual balance. The Vagus Nerve plays an important role in this.
Our bodies are a colony of bacteria. Multiple scientific studies have found that our bodies have a true ecosystem of hundreds of billions of bacteria. In our view, the composition and diversity of this ecosystem, the microbiome, is directly related to physical as well as mental-emotional and spiritual balance.
The vagus nerve is the longest and most complex nerve in the body. It connects the brain with many important organs such as the heart, lungs, stomach and intestines and the microbiome. It is part of our autonomic nervous system (works randomly, beyond our will), this nervous system can only be influenced indirectly. The autonomic nervous system consists of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. There should be a balance between sympathetic (action) and parasympathetic (rest) activities. If there is no balance for a longer period of time, stress complaints, restless, nervous or rushed feeling, you remain in the fight or flight mode.
The vagus nerve is the primary nerve associated with the parasympathetic nervous system. The parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for recovery, repair, regeneration and rest. It is responsible for calming our stress system. When the parasympathetic nervous system is activated, you relax down to the cellular level. In case of (apparent) danger, our stress system is activated so that we are ready to fight or flight. When the danger has passed, it is the vagus nerve that calms our stress system.
Eric Laarakker: “I suspect that the vagus nerve is involved in the transport of light and quantum information – which is absorbed via the eyes and via melanin in the skin – to the microbiome. Unfortunately, the influence of the vagus nerve on many chronic conditions is often underestimated or not recognized, while in our view it is very important to include the vagus nerve in the treatment”.
The vagus nerve will work less well due to prolonged stress, just like a muscle, it can then become tense, so that the stress system remains activated, and you experience constant restlessness.
Characteristics of chronic stress:
- Headache, back pain, neck and shoulder complaints
- Sleep problems, fatigue
- Memory problems, decreased concentration, difficulty relaxing
- Restlessness, easily irritated, being busy in your head
- Depression, gloominess, anxiety and mood swings
- Decreased resistance, higher susceptibility to disease and inflammation
- Gastrointestinal complaints such as Crohn’s Disease, IBS, Ulcerative Colitis, Stomach Ulcers
This sound file is very suitable for playing in combination with and in support of other sound files.