

The Fibromyalgia sound file contains the balancing frequencies that relate to physical functions and complaints in which fibromyalgia plays a role.


Fibromyalgia is characterized by chronic pain in muscles and connective tissue. It is also called rheumatism of the soft tissues. The diagnosis of fibromyalgia is made by excluding all other conditions that can explain the symptoms.


Complaints in fibromyalgia can be pain, stiffness, fatigue, sleep disorders and mood swings, but also loss of strength and intestinal complaints. The pain complaints mainly occur in the muscles and connective tissue in and around joints. Because these complaints are chronic, so in principle always present to a greater or lesser extent, depressive complaints can also develop. Although fibromyalgia is not a common diagnosis in animals, this sound file can be supportive in animals with the above complaints for which no other cause has been found.


There are several theories about the cause of fibromyalgia: it could be a control problem from the brain to the muscles, a problem with stimulus processing or pain stimulus processing. There has been a study showing inflammatory responses in the brain. It could also be that there is an underlying (viral) infection active in the body that causes various (low-grade) inflammatory reactions that can cause complaints. The lack of a healthy microbiome also plays a role.


This sound file can be combined well with the sound files Autoimmune, Regeneration, Vagus Nerve – Microbiome, Digestion & Metabolism, Pain, Joints in general, Muscles, Tendons & Ligaments, Expansion, Alignment, Inner Balance, Align your past or Freedom.

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