

This sound file contains the balancing frequencies related to epileptic complaints, including narcolepsy, the involved body parts, functions, emotions, chakras, meridians, possible causes and symptoms.

In epilepsy there is a temporary disturbance of the electrical balance in the brain. As if there is some kind of short circuit. They call it an epileptic seizure. Epilepsy looks different in everyone, but it always starts in the brain. Billions of brain cells in our brains talk to each other. They do this via electrical pulses, which enable you to walk, talk, think and see. In an epileptic seizure, there is a sudden disturbance in the brain. Because of that ‘short circuit’ you no longer have control over your body. There is no single type of epilepsy. The most well-known epileptic seizure is when someone falls to the floor, is momentarily unconscious and starts shaking with arms and legs. But there are many more types of attacks. You could just feel a strange tingling, unable to get your words out, or just stare straight ahead for a moment.

Traditional Eastern medicine involves the liver meridian and the gallbladder meridian in epilepsy. The energy of the liver and gallbladder meridian together ensure a free flow of energy and good conduction of the nerves. Impulses for movement are converted into smooth movements thanks to these meridians.

Indian medicine includes the sixth and seventh chakras. Themes that belong to this are connection with the cosmos, intuition and listening to your inner voice among other things.

This sound file can be combined well with, for example, the sound files Nervous system – Neurological, Trauma emotional, Middle heater – Hypogastrium, Regeneration, Stress or Protection.

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