

This sound file contains the balancing frequencies that can support dyslexia and stimulate reading skills and sensory information processing.

Dyslexia is a Greek word and loosely translated means “limited with words”. It indicates problems with reading words, which in some cases is also called word blindness or reading disorder. It is characterized by problems with, for example, spelling words, reading quickly, writing words, “sounding” words in the head, pronouncing words when reading aloud, and understanding what one is reading.

The impaired sensory information processing may have a neurological basis. An abnormality in the brain then leads to a disturbance in the absorption of linguistic information. Dyslexia can be congenital or acquired. People with dyslexia can suffer from insecurity, fear of failure and low self-esteem.

This sound file can be combined well with the sound files Nervous system – Neurological, Regeneration, Inner balance, Trauma emotional – PTSS or Align your past.

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