

This sound file contains the balancing frequencies that can help to relieve depressed moods and sadness and to be positive, cheerful and resilient in life.

Everyone has felt down at one time or another and not had much interest in the things around them. These kinds of feelings are very normal and, in most cases, will go away on their own. This is different when the underlying cause of these gloomy feelings is depression. In that case, the somber mood and loss of interest and pleasure may become progressively worse and the feelings may persist for a longer period of time. Hereditary predisposition can play a role in this, but the absence of (sun) light and fresh air (in the winter period, for example), negative (social) experiences, events in childhood, hormonal disruptions and a disturbed microbiome can also be a cause of depression.

Depression is a condition that falls under the ‘mood disorders’. It is a disease of mood and feelings. Depressed mood is an extended period of abnormal sadness and/or abnormal listlessness, loss of interest or an inability to enjoy something. This can vary from a little gloomy to very somber, can last for a longer or shorter period of time or change per day or per couple of weeks. It can also express itself in agitated behavior, sleeping problems, loss or increase of appetite, physical complaints and reduced physical condition, reduced ability to concentrate, etc. An imbalance in the microbiome and/or inflammation in the gut can contribute to depression, 80% of depressions appear to come from the gut.

This sound file can be combined well with the sound files Vagus Nerve – Microbiome, Inner Balance, Digestion & Metabolism, Protection, Grounding & Relaxation, Alignment, Freedom or Magdalena. In the case of depressive complaints because of mental trauma, this file can be combined well with the files Trauma emotional – PTSD or Align your past.

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