
Sciatica – lower back pain

This sound file contains the balancing frequencies that relate to all parts of the lumbosacral region or lower back in general, their functions and parts involved, emotions, chakras, meridians, possible conditions including sciatica, hernia, stenosis and lower back pain. Problems in the lower back region can occur in all vertebrate animals.

Symptoms of low back pain in dogs can include sitting, standing and lying down more slowly, no longer wanting to jump, muscle weakness in the hind legs, tail carried limply, incontinence. Lumbosacral stenosis or instability is a common problem in dogs. The underlying cause is instability of the lumbosacral junction. This mainly occurs in large breeds such as German Shepherds, but smaller dog breeds and cats can also suffer from this.

Cats are very good at hiding pain. Symptoms of back problems in cats can include reduced activity, resulting in a lot of lying down and less playtime, difficulty jumping, neglecting grooming, constipation and behavioral changes.

In horses, complaints of the lower back are very common, especially at the level of the SI joint. Symptoms that can indicate back problems in horses are very diverse. A horse can walk lame, walk crooked, carry the tail to the side, wag the tail, have a lower tail tone, protest with saddling, girthing and mounting. There can also be all kinds of technical problems with riding the horse. In addition to various external factors such as a poorly fitting saddle, traumas and injuries, back problems can also be caused by a poor microbiome, fungi in the intestines and ovarian problems. It is therefore important to exclude or treat internal problems in the case of lower back complaints.

This sound file can be combined well with the sound files Alignment, Kidneys, Regeneration, Digestion & Metabolism, Inner Balance and Vagus Nerve – Microbiome. There is a separate file for the entire spine. There is also a separate sound file for osteoporosis.

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